on Facebook


At the 5,000 friend limit on the Facebook account. For those who requested to be added to the friends list before others that were accepted, try the Facebook fan page instead:

I wish I could add you guys to the more personal account but the stupid 5,000 limit and I really don't want to create another. Too many accounts everywhere already.

By the way, Facebook does not allow you to go to the earliest friend requests beyond about the 500 most recent. Sorry to people who requested to be added first, you guys got screwed.
The day the account was created there were over 3,000 requests and hundreds more request came in the following days so I never got to the first 2,000 or so before hitting the 5k limit. Anyway, here is another Youtube video and she is NOT my girlfriend but I wish she was for a few hours:

There is no posts or nothing explicit on the Facebook page, its just for feedback and communication proposes.




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