Here is a Question For Fans of The Blog From Singapore


Do you guys want the nearly 40 videos of Gary Ng banging countless women to be posted? Someone was good enough to sent them in a day before Blogger started to remove and block the Gutter back in February. They were not posted earlier because I was having a real hard time keeping the blog up and even stop posting when they first became big news. During that time many people were requesting the sex videos be posted but only a few are still asking for them. I just don't want to post so many videos if there is no more interest. So, are you interested in seeing the Edison Chen of Singapore fuck half the girls on the island? LOL... Anyway, leave some feedback in the comments and I will get up the first video if there is still interest out there. In the meantime, I am on Youtube watching things like this... here.

BTW, Gary Ng should feel free to send any NEW videos (higher quality) to to share with the rest of the world.

Need feedback from you ASAP on the
Gary Ng sex videos.


To those who are sending email offering to sell photos or video of scandals. NO...
Everything on this blog that was contributed were done so freely of or rarely in exchange for a plug at best.


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