Beach Volleyball Player Nicole Midwin Butt Naked Playboy Pussy Pictures


Meet Nicole Midwin, an AVP professional beach volleyball player who is making headlines for nude Playboy pictures and being an annoying complaining "bitch" over at Barstool Sports. Apparently she has been flooding the sports blog with emails because she is pissed a picture of fellow nude athlete Beatrix Benyats is being attributed to her in Google images search results. Mind you, this is a problem with Google search but she seem not to understand how the Internet works. Needless to say Barstool Sports is not happy with her endless emailing:
Okay, long story short here is what happened and what got this bitch’s panties all in a bunch; Our article is correct. Flawless if I do say so myself. All the pictures are correctly attributed to the right people. Google on the other hand fucked up. Basically when you go in and type Nicole Midwin in Google images the picture of the blond pops up with Nicole’s name on it. Not our fault. But she was too big of a pinhead to figure this out or explain what the problem was. Bottom line is that she should be complaining to Google not us. But just like with any great blogger/educator I wanted to take this opportunity and use it as a teaching example. Sure Nicole Midwin appears hot. And my guess is that she’s a slutbag of epic proportions to pose with pictures of her pussy hanging out everywhere. But just because a chick has a hot ass and a nice set of tits doesn’t mean it’s worth it to hate fuck her brains out. Because Nicole Midwin personality is like nails on a chalkboard. Would I bang her? Maybe, but only if she didn’t have my name, number, email or any way to ever contact me again afterwards. Because trust me no slut no matter how hot the pussy is worth this type of aggravation. Although I must admit it would be fun to call her by the blonde’s name when your balls deep in her.

After reading the above statement and all the emails from Nicole Midwin posted on her favorite sports blog, the first thought came to my mind was where were the much talked about pussy pictures. So, since Barstool Sports is not in the business of showing uncensored pussies lets do our part here. Nicole Midwin might be annoying as fuck but her muff looks good. I wonder if she is into internal cumshot? Nothing says "I am into you" better than a creampie and with a snatch like that I am into Nicole minus her bitchy ways. Click on pictures to enlarge.


Nicole Frances Midwin (born June 5, 1978 in Santa Clara, California, U.S.A.) is a professional volleyball player and model. Her modeling career included being featured in Playboy. She played with Olympic volleyball champion Kerri Walsh in high school. Nicole Midwin's volleyball credentials date from her high school career at Archbishop Mitty High School, where she was on the team in 1995 and played volleyball with Kerri Walsh. Midwin, like Walsh, was inducted in the school's Hall of Fame. She joined the American Volleyball Party in 2003, and is sponsored by Nike, Muscletech, and Gold's Gym in Venice. She ran for the Grass Roots Venice Neightborhood Council in August 2008.


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