Shopping For a Good Host is Not Fun

For some unknown reason they stop removing the blog from Blogger. This blog is over three weeks old now and Google/Blogger have yet to deleted it like the 11 or 12 others that came before. Why? What?, all I had to do was to call out Nicole Wong (The fascist Google censorship boss that make things disappear) and her double talk. Or maybe it was that it was pointed out that this blog was authored by people in America and not by people in Malaysia. It seems they stop blocking and remove the Gutter blog but we might have to test that later with something shocking.

Finally came around to putting up the new blog on April 15 and bought hosting service with a popular web hosting service on April 16 and even got a new domain name. On April 20 I was canceling the 3 year plan and transferring the domain name. It took me all weekend to step the new website up, something that should have taken two hours because I only got a person who could help uploading the old post after speaking to 5 different tech rep who did not know jack.

And after the blog was finally up, I was told the hosting service DID NOT ALLOW WEBSITES WITH PROFANITY. Or Nudity, now over a two day period I read over 20 TOS agreements and was beginning to lose my mind so I totally missed that part of that part of this particular company's TOS so it was totally my fault not seeing the part about nudity. But, what kind of web hosting company banned profanity anyway? Anyway, the new blog was up for a few hours on Monday before I had to remove it before the new host suspend the account.

They stop removing this blog from Blogger so I am going to try to post here again and see if the problem return. Because at this point I have giving up on finding a new host. The funny thing is that many people over the past 40 days offered to host the blog for free and was turn down but now I am reconsidering that decision. But it was the right decision, don't want to get the accounts suspended of people who want to help.

Something hot will be posted later in an attempt to return to the good old Gutter Uncensored. If the problem return the self hosting option will be tried again. Send the names of good web hosting companies that would host a blog like this to


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