There Are Real Muslims And Then There Are Heineken Muslims

I am shock this blog is still here, you just know someone in Malaysia lost their job over the inability to block and remove the again. Anyway, here are a few Heineken wallpapers for those who enjoy exposing phony Muslims and their hypocrisy. No offense to the faithful Muslims who don't try to force Islam on others and just practice their faith peacefully in its entirety. But if you are that then you probably shouldn't be reading this blog in the first place. This is for the fake Muslims (the Heineken Muslims) like Minister Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz and his lawless son Anak Nazri. The daddy help pass the Islamic laws and his son break them all, such a great partnership. Click pictures to enlarge.

Some dudes get so gay when they get drunk as fuck.


And before they remove this blog again.

Check this post out.

I have wanted to post a link to T h y ' D o w a g e r since like two weeks ago but the bullshit with the assholes in the Malaysian government got things off track. Anyway, someone sent this link of the blog a Singaporean model/blogger who blogged about Jenna Chan a.k.a. Jenzene in the wake of the pictures that were posted here.

And, here are the plugs to the websites and pages of others since the blog is not being updated like things as usual. Thing will be up and running again in a few weeks as usual, sometime in May at the latest. Thanks for the offers for free hosting and free servers and business partnerships but not really interested. Instead of having a regular blog, I am thinking about just having a web forum or a private blog. Things would be so much easier.

Here are a few links from friends of this blog on
Facebook or Myspace.

BTW, I need to like your link or website to plug it. I will plug almost anything about the Gutter blog (LOL) or your Youtube videos or anything funny or anything about
gadgets or anything by a hot chick because I am a dude. Just for the record, this is not an endorsement of anything.

And don't forget to Visit

If you are a friend of this blog on Facebook or Myspace and you want a plug for your website or whatever just send me a message with the link via the messaging service on Facebook or Myspace. NOT BY EMAIL. And I will post it on this blog, if I am cool with your website. Don't worry, its free. This offer is only good for people on either of the blog's friend list. The blog is still getting around 200,000 visitors per day so I want to use that to give something to the people who added it as a friend on Facebook. If they do manage to deleted the blog permanently, I will use Facebook and Myspace to tell you guys when and where the blog is being updated again lie it was before the mess. BTW, you must specifically ask to have your link posted, don't just send a url.


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