Fuck You Google! And A Very Special Fuck You to Nicole Wong you Fucking Filthy Dog You

Finally, got that 404 Error again... This time it made me very happy!

So, the last blog was deleted too thus proving fascist Malaysian politicians are bitching Google and Blogger. Or at the very least paying some rogue employee to pull the plug on the blog. The asshole Malaysian politicians probably threating to block all blogs on blogspot.com if the "champions of free speech" at Google did not remove the 29 most popular website in Malaysia according to the latest Alexa.com ranking. Can you just imagine what the ranking would be if they didn't block the blog every five minutes?

Nicole Wong is the Biggest Fascist Dog of Them All! Memo to Miss. Nicole Wong, I am NOT in Malaysia.

The last blog had nothing essentially but stories related to Malaysian politicians and it was still removed from Blogger again. Anyway, the blog will finally be removed permanently when I am good and ready, not a second sooner. So, thats a "Fuck you" to the people at Blogger sincerely from my heart. Readers of the blog were complaining that they could not even access the archive but it was an important test to confirm my speculation. The archive was not fully restore to see if something else in the archive caused the many blocking and removal over the past two weeks or so by Blogger and its parent company Google. I doubt the blog was removed because of the only none Malaysian scandalous politician picture that was posted Sunday of Xiaxue in a bikini.

The people at Google are the biggest hypocrites since the phony Muslim politicians that control Malaysia:

Reporters Without Borders joined others in asking how Google could stand up for US users' freedoms while controlling what Chinese users can search for. Its previous search engine for China's fast-growing market was subject to government blocks. The new site - Google.cn - censors itself to satisfy Beijing. While cooperating with China's govenment, Google refuses to fulfill requests by the U.S. Department of Justice. Google counsel Nicole Wong said "..we intend to resist their motion vigorously."

The Department of Justice, preparing to defend the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) in an unrelated case, subpoenaed search records from Google, America Online, Yahoo, and Microsoft to assess how everyday Internet users access information and the degree to which the data they located could be deemed harmful to minors. Initially, the Justice Department demanded "billions" of URLs and two months' worth of user search queries; after discussions, Google still refused to fulfill the government's reduced demands for 1 million URLs and a week's worth of user search queries. Google argued the data wouldn't be useful to the government's case, and that the subpoena violated both Google's trade secrets and its users' privacy.

Although the government wasn't asking for personally identifiable information (such as the IP numbers associated with search requests), Google is still hailing the decision as a victory for users' privacy: "As we noted in our briefing to the court, we believe that if the government was permitted to require Google to hand over search queries, that could have undermined confidence that our users have in our ability to keep their information private. Because we resisted the subpoena, the Department of Justice will not receive any search queries and only a small fraction of the URLs it originally requested."

If you have "interesting" photos or videos of Nicole Wong, the deputy general counsel at Google and is responsible for arbitrating issues of censorship for Google, then please forward them to whiteroboro@gmail.com ASAP. She went to the University of California, Berkeley so please check.

Google deleted my blogs again and again and suspended my fucking account including gmail you dumb dog, you people at Google are doing it. I am not in Malaysia so what the hell the Malaysian government have to do with my blogs? You fuckers at Google are not combating censorship around the world, you assholes are doing the censorship. How the hell can Google be combating censorship around the world when they have censored an American in America for some silly stupid shit that embarrassed some fascist Malaysian politicians? Here are a few other interesting articles on Google and its claims to be a "champion of free speech" around the world:

1) Google's free speech double standard "for the good of humanity"

2) Google's censors really sorry about violating freedom of speech

3) YouTube: Champion of free speech?

4) Google and the threat to free speech

5) Google, Yahoo Criticized Over Foreign Censorship

For the record, Google also own Youtube and also took over FeedBurner. So it seems they are buying up all my favorite web tools and websites, god I hate them. First of all, the people at Google should stop talking about the "champion of free speech" around the world bullshit they have been preaching for years because they are not. Fuck, I am not even in Malaysia and I am being censored most likely as the request of officials in the government there. And secondly and probably most importantly, Google's influence is too much on the Internet and its getting greater with each new acquisition. Antitrust and monopoly laws should be kicking in right about now, its probably time for them to do with Google what they did to AT&T in the 80's.


And I doubt the funny Hitler spoof was the reason behind the recent removal. The dirty fascist at Google should enjoy a Hitler video but they are probably offended because it is making fun of their Führer. A Wayang Times original spoof:


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